Context awareness is the notion of computer systems that dynamically adapt their behavior to a changing environment. Such applications are useful in many situations ranging from general human-computer interaction over business process execution to healthcare or logistics. However, mainstream programming languages and tools do not offer dedicated support for adaptive properties. Additionally, as context awareness is an application requirement, it should already be addressed at the modeling level.
Recent developments in dynamic programming languages enable context awareness technically, but the application-oriented communities have had little opportunity to benefit from these insights. Vice versa, certain application requirements concerning context could probably be met better by specially-tailored programming and modeling techniques.
This workshop attempts to bring together researchers from the disparate communities to exchange ideas, establish a common research program, and foster new collaborations.
The workshop is intended to be dynamic and interactive. We especially welcome presentations that bridge communities, are provocative, or offer live demonstrations of novel context-aware applications or technologies. Contributions are invited related to any aspect of context awareness, including: